harry potter tickets

harry potter tickets

Nineteen years after Harry, Ron, and Hermione saved the wizarding world, they’re back on a most extraordinary new adventure–this time, joined by a brave new generation that has only just arrived at the legendary Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Harry Potter’s head-strong son Albus befriends the son of his fiercest rival, Draco Malfoy, it sparks an unbelievable new journey for them all—with the power to change the past and future forever. Prepare for spectacular spells, a mind-blowing race through time, and an epic battle to stop mysterious forces, all while the future hangs in the balance.

be a part of silver hawk theatre

  • Silver Hawk Theatre is open to all LSW students. Our Theatre productions are all extracurricular, meaning you do not have to be enrolled in LSW Theatre classes to audition for productions.

    Join us at a Drama Club meeting to learn more about cast & crew opportunities. Or, stop down at the Black Box (E107) and find Austyn or Scott!

  • Drama Club is a student organization for anyone interested in being involved in any aspect of LSW theatre. You do not have to be enrolled in theatre classes to attend a Drama Club meeting.

    Check out the Season Calendar for the next Drama Club meeting time.

  • All Silver Hawk Theatre shows are cast from open auditions. Visit the Season Calendar to see when auditions begin for the next show!

    To join a crew, complete an application form during the next show audition window!


Since 2002, we have created a nationally-recognized tradition of theatre excellence. For over 20 years, Silver Hawk Theatre has continually produced successful seasons of outstanding productions and delivered students the finest theatre education and training.

We are honored to have had four of our productions selected for main stage performances at the International Thespian Festival, the “High School Championship” of High School Theatre!

In our several years of participating in the Omaha Performing Arts’ Nebraska High School Theatre Awards, Silver Hawk Theatre has received multiple Outstanding Musical Theatre Production, Best Lead Actor & Actress, Best Supporting Actor & Actress, and National Lead Actor & Actress awards.

Silver Hawk Theatre Calendar

The times listed are subject to change.

The directors will make the best attempt to not change this calendar especially during rehearsal periods. They have done their best to work around schedules (especially Music calendars).